My First Post!

Hopefully releasing today!. My first post to answer some questions that my mind is lingering at and showcase some stuff…

Why do I need to create a blog?

I always believe in Getting things done! + Learn things continuously/iteratively/in a loop!. To have that kind of mindset I desperately wanted to keep track of things and build a way to monitor and log stuff

The Logging and Monitoring

  • I have already been taking initiatives to keep track of my learning through Github projects (I always fear of losing notes/ losing track of ideas, thoughts!).
  • Creating a pot to pour in everything made real sense, so here it is…

Previous Efforts

  • Nuggets Series of learnings… (Living in New York City as a Student --> resorting to fast foods --> Nuggets always made me happy... ). Some topic I have been keen to research on.

Is the Blog reiteration of the Projects?

  • Probably.., The github projects serve more as a core resource while the blog would assimilate and prove to be a more navigatable and read friendly.

Blog? or WriteUp? What do we solve?

  • Story: Being a dad of a 4 year old, I completely understand the importance of story and how well it communicates on flow of thoughts, creative interpretation of stuff with the brain!
  • We create such an environment by having all the learnings as a story!


  • I have been iterating on this blog or website when I get chance. I am trying to make more updates iteratively!

Also, Thanks for the theme Pavel!

  • This website was created on top of Jekyll Clean Dark theme by Pavel @pavelmakhov